Publicerad 2008-08-26 22:18:53 i Allmänt,
Jaha ja.... då var det dags att skriva på svenska eftersom vissa inte klarar av engelskan hi hi hi hi hi Ni får väl se det som en undervisning för er att ni kan lära er engelska ;)
Jaha ja, idag har jag arbetat och FASIKEN vad skönt det var att få använda huvudet lite grann och röra på sig ordentligt. FIck jobba på en pub som min vän Janet och hennes husband to be har tagit över. Skumt måste jag säga, då Janet var hemma med sonen för han var sjuk och Pat kunde inte vara där så Beau låste upp, visa mig kassa maskinen och vart saker fanns och sen gick han så jag vart lämnad helt själv från 14-19 idag.... tror ni jag var virrig i början eller men så flöt allting som en glasyr på en kaka...... Men så kom det att jag var tvungen att byta tunna på ena ölen och jösses vad nervös jag var.... men HELLO, det flöt på, inga beklymmer alls :=) Ok, när jag sen skulle byta den andra tunnan för det andra ölen så vart det liiiite problem eftersom det var en ny sorts anläggning så vilken knapp och ratt jag än tryckte på efter att jag satt dit nya tunnan (som för övrigt väger xxxxx- antal kilon) så funka det inte!!! Men hi hi så var ena killen i baren bartender så han hoppa ner med mig i källaren och hjälpte mig, det enda var 1 liiiiten spak jag missat.... nåja, nu lärde man sig något nytt :=)
Grabbarna var hur underbara som helst, stammisar som är där varje dag efter jobbet, och jag kände mig såå välkommen!
Underbart, och så sms:a Janet när jag var hemma och fråga om jag ville jobba mera så jag antar att jag gjort bra ifrån mig ;=)
På torsdag har jag en anställnings intervju också i en butik, berättar mer om det när jag vet hur det blir då jag är lite skrockis, sen va jag och kröp för min gamla chef efter lite timmar så han ska ringa mig vilken dag som helst om timmar så man får in lite cash då det börjar sina med tanke på att hyran etc ska betalas snart!!! SÅ stressenbörjar komma ännu mera men jag måste hålla det coolt ett tag till, har lite kontakter på ett annat ställe och förhoppningsvis ringer de mig imorgon eller torsdag!
Annars då??? Vädret är grått, grått och mera grått..... har inte regnat så mycket sista tiden mest lite dugg sisådär! Men men, man är ju på irland, den gröna ön med massa regn :)
Nåja, imorgon ska jag försöka hinna ta kort på huset och ladda upp här så ni får se hur det ser ut här också :)
Saknar er där hemma och hoppas ni har det bra!!!
Publicerad 2008-08-24 14:15:18 i Allmänt,
So today it´s sunday and I am NOT hangover...... had my first night in on my own and I have to say it was very relaxing. James is away in Kilkenny, Suzy in her sisters house and Krystle was at Sarah´s house so I had the whole house to myself. It was so nice and relaxing and I was just watching tv and had 2 glasses of wine until I went to bed. Had a lot of thinking done aswell..... getting very stressed and nervous about the job situation. Don´t have a job yet...... applied to a few and waiting for the respons. Might get a part time in a shop and today Im gonna talk to a friend about a job aswell. See what happens really, would take any job at the moment now just to get me a few dollars to get me through since I have saved for the rent and stuff for the coming month but after that it starting to get very narrow with cash I have to say! SO I NEED A JOB NOW!!!!!
Ah well, just see what happens today and then tomorrow I´m in that case going downtown and bite the sour apple and ask someone else...... I will get any job that is offered now actually....... as long as it´s a job :)
Other than that this weekend, friday we had a few friends over for dinner and James and Krystle had friends over for drinks so it was a good night! Didnt get drunk or any, just had a few drinks and enjoyed having the friends here. Saturday was a relaxing day, went to Newbridge with Ciara, Dermot, the baby and Suzy, got a few things I needed and we also had lunch there and then we all went home to our own houses and Suzy went to her sister and I just cleaned a bit in the house. And today Sarah and Abby was here for a while and now im waiting for Janet to come over with her baby.
So weird how so many of my friends have babys now. It´s not at all the same as when I lived here 5 years ago.... but in the same time it would be really said if everyone was just as they were then and haven´t got any where from then so I really don´t complain!!!!
Tonight I really wanna go to the city near us and see a friend, but the worst thing is that I dont have a car so cant go on my own........ and really dont wanna go on my own since my friend is working so I don´t wanna sit on my own and look ha ha haha that would be funny !!!!! SO i hope Krystle or Suzy wanna go with me.....
ANyhow, they are back now so gonna go and be a bit social! Take care and keep your fingers krossed for me!
Miss you all!
Publicerad 2008-08-19 16:24:43 i Allmänt,
So much to do all the time so Im finding it hard to be at the computer at the moment, so you have to forgive me for not writing everyday!
Me, Suzy and James went for sightseen on sunday, being all foeigner and all :) So we went down to the county called Wicklow and saw the huge and massive mountains and rivers. It was absolutely beautifull! And sooooo Irish, the sheps where strolling along the roads, hills and ON the roads and also the roads where so narrow so it was creepy when you met big busses I must say. But James is use to the roads so he did it perfect.
saw the big mountains and the old houses and it wa sso relaxing strolling along there and looking at everything. it was raining the whole time though ( as it has been since I came) but hey, it´s only water so I didnt really mind.
It´s big dissaster in the south now since it´s been raining for so long and so much so people had to leave the houses since it´s flooded, you can´t drive the cars since the water on the roads are up over the knees on people, they are living in the double decker busses! It´s horrible, closed roads and stuff. Praying it wont come here though!
So been out drinking everyday since I came so today I´m having a day off. Can´t do it for my body really. And when you don´t even get a hangover anymore it´s really bad!!!!!! But hey, you only live once isn´t that right????? And next week Suzy is back to work so it wont be as mad anymore really. I hope!!!! :)
Got offered a job aswell, see what happens with that. Wont say more about it now since i´m a bit supersticios......
Putting up photos as soon as it all works since there seem to be something wrong and can´t put them up at the moment!
Take care and keep in touch!
Publicerad 2008-08-16 19:12:02 i Allmänt,
Hey all!
Just gotten settled in the house now, it´s absolutely fabolouse and so big. it´s a huge kitchen with a door out in the back yard, entrance to the washing room with dryer and from there it´s entrance to the garage wich we have a pool table in wich is gonna get fixed by Suzy and Sean. It has to be changed mat on it and then Suzy hare fixing the garage by putting up flags over the walls, putting in the bar and fix it around so it gets very cozy for parties and stuff! Gonna be brilliant!
Then there is 2 sitting rooms, one bigger and the other smaller, today we finally got the chanals fixed since the guys who was here on tuesday didnt fix it properly so we only had 1 chanal, not the funniest I can tell you, it was either OS Olympics or news. But now it´s fixed. its great with the 2 sitting rooms since we are 4 people and if you have company over you can slide away to the other room.
So thats the downstair, oh yeah a bathroom downstairs aswell off course. Then upp stairs it the 4 bedrooms for us and a office/dressing room for us wich isn´t finished yeat but Im doing that this week coming. Suzy and Krystle have rooms with batcrooms atached so Im sharing with James with is great since he is a clean freak like me ;) We have both a shower cabin and also a bath, luxurie ;) And then off course the hot press is uppstairs aswell.
I must say that the only thing I really miss from sweden in living conditions are that you have to put on the heater for the water 30 minutes before having a shower and you cant be in there for long either since then the hot water will have to save up for another 30 minutes until the next person can shower, and I who looooooooves long hot showers :( But hey, I guess thats just something to get use to!
Today Suzy and james went to the garden store and got plants for outside, it´s lovely and really homey now, thank you guys ;) Krystle is away with her mum to turkey for a week so she wont be her until thursday. And since it´s been lashing down rain for the last 2 days I must say Im a bit jelous ha ha ha ha But hey, I knew that about this country, always rain!!!! Thank good there is taxis.
Went on a work intervjue yesterday, didn´t go that well since I didnt get it! But they were looking for a beautician and since I dont have a degree in it then hey, bad luck! Also went to a hotell today and left my CV, see if something happens there. Everyone tells me to relax, I only been here for 6 days so I should just enjoy the holiday this week and then start properly. But I´m not un unemployd person, I need to work to feel good. So monday I´m getting help of Suzy to apply for a bank job. Customer service at a big bank here in Ireland. SO fingers krossed I get it since people say that almost everyone get a job there. You get the training from them aswell and what Ive heard it´s good bennefits and salary so I really want that job. Feels like something that I can stay with for a good few years.
Other then that this week, drinking alcohol......... a lot actually. Started already as soon as I got off the plain since Suzy´s dad and his fiancee came there to welcome me and say hello. They were flying off to Canada for a holiday at 3 pm so they came in earlier to meet me so we had a few drinks and didnt get out of there until 3 pm :) Brilliant I must say and then the week has been like that, put in the pubs drinking and off course in the house. Everyone that comes here wanna live here ha ha ha ha ha
So tonight we are going out aswell to party. Dermot´s birthday was on wednesday so we are celebrating him tonight, a bit off surprise for him since Ciara is taking him out for dinner and then he is taking him to were we all are. SO thats gonna be a lot off fun!!!! Met a few off my friends aswell and it´s been a good laugh, though the most of them has been working this week so I probably see them out this weekend, And then from monday it´s back to job hunting as a crazy woman, might do a bit of shopping aswell, stash up with food so I have until the money runs out :( The rent has to be paid the 7/9 so I have to save that money so I can pay my piece. Don´t wanna go on the others anymore so to say!
Anyhow, I have a new number sorted so if you want it you just have to write to me ;)
Hope you all are well and keeping happy!
Loads of love
Publicerad 2008-08-10 23:49:50 i Allmänt,
Yeap folks, now it´s almost time to go..... I am flying off to Ireland in 10 hours aprox..... and I can´t sleep!!!! So much going around in my head, from the party last night I had for my friends, the talks with my new soon to be house mates, my mum, and everything that lies ahead! So many what if? So many how? SO many will it work? But as my dear frien Kiki said today on the phone, it will work, it will sort it self out when you get here. Just keep the faith and never give up!
I think I have never given up about anything really. Well ok, some thing I had to just realize that there is no point just let it go and move on. But no big deals really. I have never given up on something that is truly important and will affect my life. I have always fought for it and worked hard to make it work. i am a fighter, always has been, don´t want to give up and then fell regrets later in life. Life is what you make of it and imagen that people would give up as soon as there was a obsticle in the way..... we would probably not be where we are today!
Oh lord, im so nervous, tingles in my body, can´t sit still, can´t relax and absolutely not sleep!!!! I only slept 5 hours last night and very hang over today so really need to sleep, getting up in 5 hours and 10 minutes... JESUS I really need to sleep!!!!!!!
Hmmmmm a lot of jibberish I feel I´m writing at the moment..... but so much in my head now!
Last night was good fun, a bit drama happened as usual on parties where there is a mixed crowed and things that been in peoples mind and off course, alcohol in the picture. And I had got tooooo much alcohol comparing to how much people actually drank..... hmmm they don´t know how to drink as the irish ;) But it ended well everything and it´s a memory for life, put up the photos later,..... camera is packed in a bag!
Was thinking through how this week has been, my last week in sweden for a good while! Actually been pretty boring I must say. Friends have been away on holidays and working so not much time with them. But have seen a few and I really enjoyed it! Thanks darlings. Missing a few but I got a great present from 2 of my dearest friends. They are coming over to visit me in Ireland :=) As soon as there is time in the schedule for all 3 of us :=) Can´t wait hi hi hi hi hi
So I know I said I will write here everyday when I get to Ireland but they haven´t set up the wireless internet in the house yet, take about a week or so, but after that I´ll deffo try! Prob good aswell, feels like I wont really have time to sit by the computer the first week anyway :=) And I also get a new number from tomorrow. The numbet I have now here in sweden will still be around but if you ring that you will reace my dad, he is taking it for me since it´s a bill phone and I cant stop it until may next year (stupid telenor) but the ones that wants my new number, that has asked for it, will off course get it off me. Getting it tomorrow so then I send it out to all off you´s!
So until the next time, I will be writing from Ireland, the green beautifull Island!!!!! Take care off you all, don´t mind the rain, now it´s the time to be with friends and family! After rain there is sunshine, so look for the sun behind the clouds!
Love ya all!
Publicerad 2008-08-07 21:18:52 i Allmänt,
Today I totaly feel restless and have been all day! Went to see an old friend off mine, known her since I was 2-3 years old, went to the same day care, school and lived on the same street. Today she works at the hospital, has 2 kids in the age of 5,5 and 2, lives outside Södertälje and are engaged. We don´t see each other often but when we do it´s like old times and Im always so relaxed with her. Dont have to act like I´m this or that, just be me and I so love to talk to her. So that felt great to be able to see her and her kids before I go.
Also had my regular training, oh my god it feels so good to have those walks and training, the body feels so much better and I sleep so much better. I know it´s gonna be hard to do that during this weekend and also the first week in Ireland since its alot going on now and then, but I am so keeping it up when I moved.
Last nite I met a friend of mine downtown and we were chatting away for hours, having a few drinks and it was such a good laugh. The time just flew and suddenly it was time to go home and get to bed. Have to say that I really don´t like this town anymore, always walking in the evenings and being afraid....... What is wrong with people????? During this summer it has been 2 rapes, 4 assault to try to be rape, 2 murders....... I´m afraid of this town, whats happening???? Going home from the bus on my own listening to all the sounds arround me and was afraid. It´s so wrong, what has happened???? Thank god Im moving but in the same time it´s alot of people I know that are still here, afraid of them, hope they never walk alone at night. Please, my friends, don´t walk alone!!!!!
TOmorrow is the big day off the final packing. have to get everything done tomorrow since saturday will be filled with activities from the early morning and not sleeping at home either and wont be home until the afternoon on the sunday probably and then dinner with the family since Im going on the monday. My mum and brother are taking me to the airport..... So happy they do! Will be weird sayin goodbye to them and knowing that I probably wont see them until next year in the summer. So tomorrow is the final day at home in tis house......... Hope I get everything in the bag and NO overweight at the plane (costs a fortune then) so fingers krossed for me! Then Im meeting a friend to have some chatting, she is coming to the party on saturday but she needs to talk so it´s gonna be nice to meet her aswell. Going downtown and are probably going to my favourite restaurant to have some lovely dinner. Looking forward for that.
But this day I have been so restless......... Only 3 more days to go........ Whow!!!! I am sooo excited!
Take care of yourself and your loved ones!!!
Publicerad 2008-08-06 15:53:14 i Allmänt,
Yeap, this morning I woke up and I had a new message on my phone from a very dear friend from Ireland. felt good to read the words he wrote, I felt so welcome now and I cant wait to see them all over there. Thank you my friend, you made my mornign starting brilliant!
had my powerwalk today aswell for 1 hour and it felt so good that I didnt wanna go home so I took a little longer walk around an extra block and when I finally got home I felt so satisified with myself. A bit tierd and my legs where a bit weak but oh boy how good it felt. haven´t eaten any garbage food at all for the last week and I actually don´t miss it at all. Why do yo really put all that shite in your body? All that sugar and fat that it contains, for the last 10 years I heard that you should always eat moderate of it and not to often, but hey, it´s easy to do isn´t it? It´s so handy to go to the store and buy some and there is no preparation to eat it. Just to open the bag with the crisps and eat or the sweats just take of the paper wraps and eat, so simple. But in the end it´s not good for you, it clogs up your blood lines and stops the heart to beat the way it should, slows down your body entiraly and hey, doctors said for years it´s bad for you. So why do we really keep on putting that in to us, destroying our bodies?
Ah well, I am proud of myself that I kept away from it now, ok it´s only for a week but hey you don´t know me then if you think that it can´t be a problem doing that. I LOVE sweets and especially icecream! I´m a sucker for it really so 1 eweek makes me proud. Actually already feel that my body feels better......... Great!
So tonight I´m meeting a friend for a few drinks ( I know, loads of no no no for your body) Havent seen her in months since she has been away working in Iceland for months, so it´s gonna be so nice and so much laughter to see her again. Always when we meet and get to gether it ends up in total madness ha ha ha So totally looking forward just to relax and drop everything else that is on my mind!
Today the rain hasn´t been pooring down atleast, actually got a bit of sun in my face when I was out and it looks like it´s not gonna be any tonight either, can´t complain so to say.
Hope you have a lovely "little saturday" as we call wednesdays here in Sweden and remember, you only live once!
Publicerad 2008-08-05 20:49:43 i Allmänt,
Well well well, seems like the rain has finally stopped..... atleast for a few hours. and tomorrow they say that it´s gonna be a mixed weather, hopefully I can get out and have my power walk then. Really was dying for it today but the weather just didnt allow it, and ok, not my blisters on my feet either.... Had totally wrong socks the other day when I was out! But tomorrow I am deffo going out, don´t care if it rains, good clothes and I´ll be settled. Hmmm just realized that I actually packed almost all my clothes and they are now on the way to Ireland by post!!!! Oooops, ah well, just walk a bit quicker so I get warmer :)
Today has been nice I must say, Went by my work, well old work now, Bommersvik and had lunch. Lovely! I so gonna miss that food, they always cook so well balanced and well being food. And to topp it upp they had made my favourite soup, broccoli! Lovely! And then it was salmon amd potatoes, can´t complain at all! Got the "judgement" of my boss aswell to leave in to show for the work search and I can´t be happier, don´t think I ever got so good words actually! So I am delighted.... Ok I did put my hart and soul in to that company I must say so i guess it´s fair really he he he
Then after that I went and sent the boxes with my stuff to Ireland, have to say they really know how to charge people, total robbery! Ah well, it had to be done and I did take 1 box away and some stuff, so just have to ask people everytime they come over to visit me to go by here and get some with them, otherwise they are not welcome to me ha ha ha ah well, guess it can wait aswell until next summer when I come home for holiday. And then I have just strolled around, looking for a swedish flag for the bar in the garage that Suzy has made for us, was gonna get a adapter for my swedis plugs at the electical stuff, but then Suz called and she found 5 of them when she cleaned out her room ha ha ha so thats fixed I would say! And then when I got home my mum had made her lovely spagetthi & meatsauce for me since that was 1 off my wishes before I go :) Thank you mummy!!!!!
So talked to my dad and brother tonight aswell, a lot off things are happening in this house at the moment and I hope that my mum really takes this step now, she will feel so much happier and better if she does and gain so much respect from other people around aswell. She deserves more! She has really worked hard the last few years in to cleaning up her self and her life.... and it´s going better and better, so I really hope she does this step. You go mummy!
Well time to relax a bit and think about the future :=) Things are looking better and better for me, have a lot of prayers said the last few days since I havent heard a word of Per about the cash........ guess he is waiting until the last day so he will get out off the disscusions it will stir up.... ah well...... I keep on praying!!!!
Love ya all!
Publicerad 2008-08-04 21:49:37 i Allmänt,
So, now this day is over aswell and I am 1 more step closer to Ireland. Can´t wait to leave this country! Had a talk today wth a friend on the phone about everything and it felt so good to just releeze everything and also to hear that it´s not just me and my mind that are playing tricks on me...... When I told her about hings that I felt she totaly understood... she would feel and do the same thing. We talked about if I was really shure that this about moving to Ireland is what I wanna do.... if it´s not just a period in my head...... but no, I have been thinking about this really much since I was on holiday over there in april last year, when me and the girls started to really talk about it, how it would be, what I would do and where I would live and with whom. So this is deffo not a thing in my head and also I been missing Ireland and people over there for the last 2 years....... So I really wanna go, and hey, if it doesnt work, just to go home to sweden again and start over :=)
Heard from an old friend some really bad news and started to think whats wrong with people!? How can people treat others like that, just take them for granted and think it doesnt matter what they do. It´s ok for them to do that, to destroy some one elses life!!!! I can´t understand how those people think, how can you even be such a low person and do that? Who can you really trust around here in this world? Is it suppose to bee like this, be afraid all the time, thinking what if? is it ment that you should always have a back up plan for what if would happen???? I just don´t understand how those people thing, how they even can do that to another person. It´s awfull, disgustin, horrible and just pure evil! My thoughts go out to my dear friend tonight and I hope her the best, she is worth so much more.
And the rain..... it´s been coming down all day today.... willit ever stop? Doesn´t look like that on the news anyway or in the papers. I´m just praying taht the weather will be lovely for the weekend. My last weekend here in Sweden for atleast a year :=) Some people around me I am very disapointed on........... but hey, another lesson in life I presume...... glad to find out now as I said before.... but it´s hurting, didnt think so about them...........
A well, we all learn lessons in life, some are harder and some are easier, just hope people learn of their misstakes!
Publicerad 2008-08-03 19:01:06 i Allmänt,
Yeap, the flight lifts the 11th of august, yes this month, and then i´m MOVING TO IRELAND!!! And I will from that day also have a new number. This number I have today will from that date go to my dad....... So in other words, the ones who wants my new number..... let me know.......
So after the 11th...... if you ring my number I have these days you will reach my dad! And he wont give my number to anyone I think, ok if he knows you he will off course ;)
Publicerad 2008-08-03 18:32:56 i Allmänt,
Publicerad 2008-08-03 18:16:40 i Allmänt,
Yeap, the closer it gets the more I realize it´s probably the 2nd best thing I ever done in my life! The plane lifts of the 11th of august at 9.35 am and I cant wait!!!
Started to thing about people around me today when I had my 1 hour walk around the city. People that you think are your friends and people that you wish you never see again in your life. And I think I came to the conclution that there isn´t a lot of friends aroun anymore. Think when you where small, aroound 12 years old, how many friends you had....... These days you have fever friends but oh boy, they stand you so close! Friends that you can always trust, always talk to, always be yourself around. Not being afraid that if you tell them something then the whole town would know about it the next day/week. But then the latest time it started to come to mee that some friends have the ability to dissapear as soon something changes in their life....... It´s like "ok, thanks for the time but now I have something else"..... feels very rutten I must say. Feel used actually! Wonder if that person ever think about that, what she has done? Probably not since then she would be in contact with me atlest........ The odd sms once every month and that´s it.....
Ah well, just as well to realize it now then later, just shows how a person is in the true deep of her mind/ body! Sad really that some people are like that. So the friends I have left arent many as I said but I know I can really trust them.... no matter what happens.
Then it´s the friends that you have the random contact with, that you do stuff with once and awhile, talk to once and awhile but everytime you meet it´s like we met yesterday. Nothing has changed and we can talk about everything and absolutely nothing. But some things you keep to your sefl since you can´t quit really trust them, it´s something in you gut that say "no" when you about to tell them something that is about you that yo want to het off your mind but don´t want everyone to know about it. Those friends......... Im happy to have them, happy that I found them but also very interesting to see what will happen in the future, when I´ve moved away. Will the contact last????? Only time can tell really!
So to end all my thoughts today so far....... who can you really trust? Who will be there for you with open arms no matter what? Who will not forget you? Anyone with an answer for that should get a nobel price!
Have a lovely sunday evening!
Publicerad 2008-08-02 20:05:26 i Allmänt,
Today is the day when the sky opened itself up and let all the rain fall down that has been up there waiting for the last week or so. Ok, I can´t really complain since it´s been really nice weather for the last week. But I guess I get spoiled and want nice weather all the time when Im on a holiday. And since I read the newspaper yesterday and the farmers where beggin for rain since they wont get a good harvest this year, a few has already lost half off it since it´s been so dry. So I have to say that they are probably very happy now.
So what have I done to fill this day inside instead off outside? I had a really long nice bath and really took care off myself , did my feet, scrubed my body, got some mousture to my hair and just relaxed. My mom thought I was gonna drown myself in there since I never came out ha ha ha. Then my nails got a really good manicure aswell, I have to say that it shows that I havent been working for 5 weeks since my nails looks absolutily fabolouse :=) So "knock on wood" they will last and I don´t break them now. Love when my nails are in a good state!
Also been doing something else good for myself, went for a walk for 1 hour, walked so fast that my hart was really pumping hard and it felt so good when I got home so I did a few sit ups and stuff, so starting to feel the pain in my tummy ha ha ha guess it was a bit to long since I did some exersice.....
Decided that Im gonna do those walks everyday now until im going away, mum said she has "walking sticks" I can borrow aswell, burns even more when walking with them, so that will absolutely be used the following days.
Got some lovely dinner today, fresch potatoes, grilled chicken and green pepper sauce. lovely! Think Im gonna enjoy a little whiskey later on aswell, hey it´s saturday isn´t it?! People ask me why Im not going out now these last weekends/days...... well folks, have to save the cash as much as possible!!!! Have a few contacts in Ireland for job but nothing is a done deal yet so have to have some money to take me around for a while.
You all probably think that Im talking alot bout money here...... it´s not that Im a sneaky f-ker! It´s just that I am not use to not have a job (last 4 years I have had 2 jobs at the same time) so it makes me think alot about it, in the real life its just the hard fact, without money you don´t survive!
No one has tips for other jobs for me? Places in Ireland that I should go to? Any tip are more then welcome .=)
Well take care in the rain and here is a photo off me and the girls that Im gonna live with, have none off James but as soon as I got one, I´ll put it up :=)
Enjoy, this is from the new years eve ball in Dublin 2007
Publicerad 2008-08-01 21:21:48 i Allmänt,
This day has been very nice and sweet. even though my morning mood wasn´t the best ( often mad mood in the mornings before coffee) it became better and better. My mum was off work and she wnted to go to the beach with me :=) That never happens often!!!! She doesnt like the public beaches but we made a compromise, we went to a place she has gone to alot in her yonger days, not much people and nice and quet. Very nice I must say and I really liked to spend some time with my mum for once, just me and her! So we were there for about 4 hours and then the thunder came so I peeped quick as h-ll home since I hate the thunder!!!! yes, Im a baby :o)
But at home the sun was shining so out on the porch with mum and had some water melon and loads of water and shatted away about everything and nothing. Just nice to be talking to her bout things that are in my head and the same for her. So can´t complain at all for this day.
Then I have packed......... packed loads off boxes and bags. Realized that it was gonna cost a fortune to send it all over since it was gonna be 7 boxes all together so after a lot of dvelling I have thrown away alot and packed a few boxes that Im gonn aleave here at my moms. So every time I go home for a holiday or someone coming over to visit me they just have to go by here and take a few bits and pieces with them :=) But the most important things are with me anyway :=) Like shoes and clothes :=)
And aswell today I had a really nice Irish coffee, ok not like in Ireland but almost, very nice!
Oh and I can also tell you that "the talk" hasnt been yet...... think he is avoiding it since my mom put her foot down to him and said that off course I shouldnt pay for the 11 days in august..... Thank you mom!!!!! So I think he is avoiding it for a few days and Im not gonna say anything, I asked him 2 times now about it, so just waiting for him now!
The story continues folks!
have a lovely friday night and take care off our loved ones!