
En tjej med mycket tankar, funderingar, tycken och kärlek. Tycker livet är för kort för att älta gammalt utan vill hellre se framåt och njuta av livet, kärleken, familjen och vänner!

The closer it gets the more I realize things

Publicerad 2008-08-03 18:16:40 i Allmänt,

Yeap, the closer it gets the more I realize it´s probably the 2nd best thing I ever done in my life! The plane lifts of the 11th of august at 9.35 am and I cant wait!!!
Started to thing about people around me today when I had my 1 hour walk around the city. People that you think are your friends and people that you wish you never see again in your life. And I think I came to the conclution that there isn´t a lot of friends aroun anymore. Think when you where small, aroound 12 years old, how many friends you had....... These days you have fever friends but oh boy, they stand you so close! Friends that you can always trust, always talk to, always be yourself around. Not being afraid that if you tell them something then the whole town would know about it the next day/week. But then the latest time it started to come to mee that some friends have the ability to dissapear as soon something changes in their life....... It´s like "ok, thanks for the time but now I have something else"..... feels very rutten I must say. Feel used actually! Wonder if that person ever think about that, what she has done? Probably not since then she would be in contact with me atlest........ The odd sms once every month and that´s it.....

Ah well, just as well to realize it now then later, just shows how a person is in the true deep of her mind/ body! Sad really that some people are like that. So the friends I have left arent many as I said but I know I can really trust them.... no matter what happens.

Then it´s the friends that you have the random contact with, that you do stuff with once and awhile, talk to once and awhile but everytime you meet it´s like we met yesterday. Nothing has changed and we can talk about everything and absolutely nothing. But some things you keep to your sefl since you can´t quit really trust them, it´s something in you gut that say "no" when you about to tell them something that is about you that yo want to het off your mind but don´t want everyone to know about it. Those friends......... Im happy to have them, happy that I found them but also very interesting to see what will happen in the future, when I´ve moved away. Will the contact last????? Only time can tell really!

So to end all my thoughts today so far....... who can you really trust? Who will be there for you with open arms no matter what? Who will not forget you? Anyone with an answer for that should get a nobel price!

Have a lovely sunday evening!


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The future is in the hands of the destiny.... Or is it?

Just a girl that wants so much and are searching for it every day that goes.



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