
En tjej med mycket tankar, funderingar, tycken och kärlek. Tycker livet är för kort för att älta gammalt utan vill hellre se framåt och njuta av livet, kärleken, familjen och vänner!

The weekend

Publicerad 2008-08-24 14:15:18 i Allmänt,

So today it´s sunday and I am NOT hangover...... had my first night in on my own and I have to say it was very relaxing. James is away in Kilkenny, Suzy in her sisters house and Krystle was at Sarah´s house so I had the whole house to myself. It was so nice and relaxing and I was just watching tv and had 2 glasses of wine until I went to bed. Had a lot of thinking done aswell..... getting very stressed and nervous about the job situation. Don´t have a job yet...... applied to a few and waiting for the respons. Might get a part time in a shop and today Im gonna talk to a friend about a job aswell. See what happens really, would take any job at the moment now just to get me a few dollars to get me through since I have saved for the rent and stuff for the coming month but after that it starting to get very narrow with cash I have to say! SO I NEED A JOB NOW!!!!!
Ah well, just see what happens today and then tomorrow I´m in that case going downtown and bite the sour apple and ask someone else...... I will get any job that is offered now actually....... as long as it´s a job :)

Other than that this weekend, friday we had a few friends over for dinner and James and Krystle had friends over for drinks so it was a good night! Didnt get drunk or any, just had a few drinks and enjoyed having the friends here. Saturday was a relaxing day, went to Newbridge with Ciara, Dermot, the baby and Suzy, got a few things I needed and we also had lunch there and then we all went home to our own houses and Suzy went to her sister and I just cleaned a bit in the house. And today Sarah and Abby was here for a while and now im waiting for Janet to come over with her baby.
So weird how so many of my friends have babys now. It´s not at all the same as when I lived here 5 years ago.... but in the same time it would be really said if everyone was just as they were then and haven´t got any where from then so I really don´t complain!!!!

Tonight I really wanna go to the city near us and see a friend, but the worst thing is that I dont have a car so cant go on my own........ and really dont wanna go on my own since my friend is working so I don´t wanna sit on my own and look ha ha haha that would be funny !!!!! SO i hope Krystle or Suzy wanna go with me.....

ANyhow, they are back now so gonna go and be a bit social! Take care and keep your fingers krossed for me!
Miss you all!


Postat av: pappa

Publicerad 2008-08-24 14:32:06

Hej du. Nu hittade jag dig och väldigt kul att läsa en massa obegripligt på ett främmande språk."ler"

Postat av: pappa

Publicerad 2008-08-24 14:40:00

Nu har jag läst vad du skrivit idag. Hade du trott att allt var som det var för fem år sedan. Ja oj vad du blev besviken. Alla dina vänner har skaffat sig man hus och barn. Ja så är livet. Men ta väl hand om dig och du!!! Jag finns här. LY Miss Y

Postat av: mamma

Publicerad 2008-08-26 17:15:35

Hej min Dotter!!

Hoppas att du mår bra och att du snart hittar ett jobb. För det behöver du.

En annan sak, Varför skriver du bara på engelska? skulle vilja att du skriver på svenska också.

Puss Mamma!!

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The future is in the hands of the destiny.... Or is it?

Just a girl that wants so much and are searching for it every day that goes.



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