
En tjej med mycket tankar, funderingar, tycken och kärlek. Tycker livet är för kort för att älta gammalt utan vill hellre se framåt och njuta av livet, kärleken, familjen och vänner!

It´s getting closer

Publicerad 2008-08-06 15:53:14 i Allmänt,

Yeap, this morning I woke up and I had a new message on my phone from a very dear friend from Ireland. felt good to read the words he wrote, I felt so welcome now and I cant wait to see them all over there. Thank you my friend, you made my mornign starting brilliant!

had my powerwalk today aswell for 1 hour and it felt so good that I didnt wanna go home so I took a little longer walk around an extra block and when I finally got home I felt so satisified with myself. A bit tierd and my legs where a bit weak but oh boy how good it felt. haven´t eaten any garbage food at all for the last week and I actually don´t miss it at all. Why do yo really put all that shite in your body? All that sugar and fat that it contains, for the last 10 years I heard that you should always eat moderate of it and not to often, but hey, it´s easy to do isn´t it? It´s so handy to go to the store and buy some and there is no preparation to eat it. Just to open the bag with the crisps and eat or the sweats just take of the paper wraps and eat, so simple. But in the end it´s not good for you, it clogs up your blood lines and stops the heart to beat the way it should, slows down your body entiraly and hey, doctors said for years it´s bad for you. So why do we really keep on putting that in to us, destroying our bodies?
Ah well, I am proud of myself that I kept away from it now, ok it´s only for a week but hey you don´t know me then if you think that it can´t be a problem doing that. I LOVE sweets and especially icecream! I´m a sucker for it really so 1 eweek makes me proud. Actually already feel that my body feels better......... Great!

So tonight I´m meeting a friend for a few drinks ( I know, loads of no no no for your body) Havent seen her in months since she has been away working in Iceland for months, so it´s gonna be so nice and so much laughter to see her again. Always when we meet and get to gether it ends up in total madness ha ha ha So totally looking forward just to relax and drop everything else that is on my mind!

Today the rain hasn´t been pooring down atleast, actually got a bit of sun  in my face when I was out and it looks like it´s not gonna be any tonight either, can´t complain so to say.

Hope you have a lovely "little saturday" as we call wednesdays here in Sweden and remember, you only live once!


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The future is in the hands of the destiny.... Or is it?

Just a girl that wants so much and are searching for it every day that goes.



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