Will it ever stop?
Well well well, seems like the rain has finally stopped..... atleast for a few hours. and tomorrow they say that it´s gonna be a mixed weather, hopefully I can get out and have my power walk then. Really was dying for it today but the weather just didnt allow it, and ok, not my blisters on my feet either.... Had totally wrong socks the other day when I was out! But tomorrow I am deffo going out, don´t care if it rains, good clothes and I´ll be settled. Hmmm just realized that I actually packed almost all my clothes and they are now on the way to Ireland by post!!!! Oooops, ah well, just walk a bit quicker so I get warmer :)
Today has been nice I must say, Went by my work, well old work now, Bommersvik and had lunch. Lovely! I so gonna miss that food, they always cook so well balanced and well being food. And to topp it upp they had made my favourite soup, broccoli! Lovely! And then it was salmon amd potatoes, can´t complain at all! Got the "judgement" of my boss aswell to leave in to show for the work search and I can´t be happier, don´t think I ever got so good words actually! So I am delighted.... Ok I did put my hart and soul in to that company I must say so i guess it´s fair really he he he
Then after that I went and sent the boxes with my stuff to Ireland, have to say they really know how to charge people, total robbery! Ah well, it had to be done and I did take 1 box away and some stuff, so just have to ask people everytime they come over to visit me to go by here and get some with them, otherwise they are not welcome to me ha ha ha ah well, guess it can wait aswell until next summer when I come home for holiday. And then I have just strolled around, looking for a swedish flag for the bar in the garage that Suzy has made for us, was gonna get a adapter for my swedis plugs at the electical stuff, but then Suz called and she found 5 of them when she cleaned out her room ha ha ha so thats fixed I would say! And then when I got home my mum had made her lovely spagetthi & meatsauce for me since that was 1 off my wishes before I go :) Thank you mummy!!!!!
So talked to my dad and brother tonight aswell, a lot off things are happening in this house at the moment and I hope that my mum really takes this step now, she will feel so much happier and better if she does and gain so much respect from other people around aswell. She deserves more! She has really worked hard the last few years in to cleaning up her self and her life.... and it´s going better and better, so I really hope she does this step. You go mummy!
Well time to relax a bit and think about the future :=) Things are looking better and better for me, have a lot of prayers said the last few days since I havent heard a word of Per about the cash........ guess he is waiting until the last day so he will get out off the disscusions it will stir up.... ah well...... I keep on praying!!!!
Love ya all!
Today has been nice I must say, Went by my work, well old work now, Bommersvik and had lunch. Lovely! I so gonna miss that food, they always cook so well balanced and well being food. And to topp it upp they had made my favourite soup, broccoli! Lovely! And then it was salmon amd potatoes, can´t complain at all! Got the "judgement" of my boss aswell to leave in to show for the work search and I can´t be happier, don´t think I ever got so good words actually! So I am delighted.... Ok I did put my hart and soul in to that company I must say so i guess it´s fair really he he he
Then after that I went and sent the boxes with my stuff to Ireland, have to say they really know how to charge people, total robbery! Ah well, it had to be done and I did take 1 box away and some stuff, so just have to ask people everytime they come over to visit me to go by here and get some with them, otherwise they are not welcome to me ha ha ha ah well, guess it can wait aswell until next summer when I come home for holiday. And then I have just strolled around, looking for a swedish flag for the bar in the garage that Suzy has made for us, was gonna get a adapter for my swedis plugs at the electical stuff, but then Suz called and she found 5 of them when she cleaned out her room ha ha ha so thats fixed I would say! And then when I got home my mum had made her lovely spagetthi & meatsauce for me since that was 1 off my wishes before I go :) Thank you mummy!!!!!
So talked to my dad and brother tonight aswell, a lot off things are happening in this house at the moment and I hope that my mum really takes this step now, she will feel so much happier and better if she does and gain so much respect from other people around aswell. She deserves more! She has really worked hard the last few years in to cleaning up her self and her life.... and it´s going better and better, so I really hope she does this step. You go mummy!
Well time to relax a bit and think about the future :=) Things are looking better and better for me, have a lot of prayers said the last few days since I havent heard a word of Per about the cash........ guess he is waiting until the last day so he will get out off the disscusions it will stir up.... ah well...... I keep on praying!!!!
Love ya all!