
En tjej med mycket tankar, funderingar, tycken och kärlek. Tycker livet är för kort för att älta gammalt utan vill hellre se framåt och njuta av livet, kärleken, familjen och vänner!

Så var denna dag slut

Publicerad 2008-08-04 21:49:37 i Allmänt,

So, now this day is over aswell and I am 1 more step closer to Ireland. Can´t wait to leave this country! Had a talk today wth a friend on the phone about everything and it felt so good to just releeze everything and also to hear that it´s not just me and my mind that are playing tricks on me...... When I told her about hings that I felt she totaly understood... she would feel and do the same thing. We talked about if I was really shure that this about moving to Ireland is what I wanna do.... if it´s not just a period in my head...... but no, I have been thinking about this really much since I was on holiday over there in april last year, when me and the girls started to really talk about it, how it would be, what I would do and where I would live and with whom. So this is deffo not a thing in my head and also I been missing Ireland and people over there for the last 2 years....... So I really wanna go, and hey, if it doesnt work, just to go home to sweden again and start over :=)

Heard from an old friend some really bad news and started to think whats wrong with people!? How can people treat others like that, just take them for granted and think it doesnt matter what they do. It´s ok for them to do that, to destroy some one elses life!!!! I can´t understand how those people think, how can you even be such a low person and do that? Who can you really trust around here in this world? Is it suppose to bee like this, be afraid all the time, thinking what if? is it ment that you should always have a back up plan for what if would happen???? I just don´t understand how those people thing, how they even can do that to another person. It´s awfull, disgustin, horrible and just pure evil! My thoughts go out to my dear friend tonight and I hope her the best, she is worth so much more.

And the rain..... it´s been coming down all day today.... willit ever stop? Doesn´t look like that on the news anyway or in the papers. I´m just praying taht the weather will be lovely for the weekend. My last weekend here in Sweden for atleast a year :=) Some people around me I am very disapointed on........... but hey, another lesson in life I presume...... glad to find out now as I said before.... but it´s hurting, didnt think so about them...........

A well, we all learn lessons in life, some are harder and some are easier, just hope people learn of their misstakes!


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The future is in the hands of the destiny.... Or is it?

Just a girl that wants so much and are searching for it every day that goes.



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