Publicerad 2008-07-31 18:12:00 i Allmänt,
Idag har det varit skönt och ledigt. varit hos Sussie i Järna och planerat inför min avskedsfest den 9:e, babblat massor om allt och inget och njutit av den underbara solen! Nyheterna sa det skulle bli regn idag men icke sa nicke, inget regn på mina breddgrader så långt ögat nådde i vilket fall, utan jag njöt i fulla drag. Har varit så duktig på att dra ner bikini banden så man slipper märken från dom över rygg och axlar men idag så sprack det och nu har man underbara linjer på ryggen, inte det finaste men jag får väl lägga mig imorgon på stranden och arbeta bort !
Nu inväntar snart samtalet med mamma och Per och jag är laddad till tusen....... ska bli intressant att se vad han har att säga och se om det är vettigt eller inte, jag kommer dock inte ge mig om betalning för de 11 dagarna i augusti som jag är här, jag är hemskt välkommen hem till en vän om det skulle behövas så det känns helt underbart i vilket fall, tack vännen :=)
Nu ska jag hoppa in i duschen och svalka av mig lite, önksar dessa 10 dagar går dunder fort!!!!!
Publicerad 2008-07-30 21:26:09 i Allmänt,
Today has been a day with alot of thinking och plans for the future and also the present. Woke up at 5 am since my cousin went home at 6 am this morning with the bus, poor girl, travell for 8 hours! But she is good, she1ll do that brilliant! Couldn´t fall asleep after she left so I sent a few job applications to different jobs in Ireland, read gossip magazines, layed in the sun for an hour and talked to Karen in Ireland through the computer. And off course, my mind has thought so many thoughts today.... going nuts here in the house at the moment.
The really nice thing that happened today is when Krystle called from Ireland and we talked for a good while about the house, what furnitures they got from people and family, when everyone is moving in and how much they had done. Talked a bit about my arrival aswell and it made me soooo happy. Soon it´s 10 days to go... cant wait!
Here at home it´s really depressing...... Tomorrow me, mum and her man Per having a talk about money, not the nicest thing! He has really showed me what kind of person he is during the time I have lived here. Only thinks about himself and his son all the time, he is so sneaky, cant do anything for anyone else without it´s alot off hassel all the time. Was thinkig today about how much he has actually helped me with things during everything that has happened in my life the last few years and I realized that he has actually not helped me once!!! Well, not without getting anything for it.
For example; My grandad passed away end of may and the funeral was end of june, he is now actually asking me for money for the gas since I went in their car! And me and my mom went to the hospital 2 times, first time when he was still able to talk and stuff and the second time when he actually passed away, he hasnt said a word to me about he is sorry that he passed away or anything and now he wants money for the gas and also rent for the 11 days I live here in the house now in august! I´m totally ok with that I have been paying the months I lived here, but since I now don´t have a job or any more income, moving away to another country and set up a new life over there you could think he be a bit nice to not take for those 11 days or for the rent!!!!!!!
i mean, how many parents/ steph parents actually wants money for gas when the grandad passes away???? I just don´t understand how he thinks?! He is pisses me off totally and I just bite together now and stay in the room all days long and just avoiding to be around him cause otherwise I wont be able to shut upp. But we are having the big talk tomorrow so just have to wait until then and I promise you all one thing, if he askes for money for the 11 days in august I will tell him both 1 and 2 things!!!! Have to then find a place I can live in until im going cause I will not give him the satisfaction of taking money from me for those days, and Im thinking that I payed for the whole july but was only here for 1 week of it. Ok, I know, if you have a flat you pay for it even if you are away for eeks, but this isn´t an appartment, I rent a room wich is about 4*5 meters and have everything in boxes. Don´t use any of the house really so it´s shite and they are using the computer aswell in my room since they have it here. Thats wath bothering me! Am I totally stupid or am I right? What do you all out there think? Would you do the same???
Anyhow, 11 days to go, thats what keeping me together these days and just wait for the explosion tomorrow evening!
Hope you all had a better day then I had, tomorrow Im going to a friends house and talk loads. A girl that I can talk to about anything really and she is desame with me so it´s gonna be nice.
Sorry about the complantes this early in my blog, but just had to write off me a
Publicerad 2008-07-30 10:39:20 i Allmänt,
Publicerad 2008-07-30 10:38:52 i Allmänt,
Publicerad 2008-07-30 10:38:29 i Allmänt,
Publicerad 2008-07-30 10:38:06 i Allmänt,
Publicerad 2008-07-30 10:37:18 i Allmänt,
Publicerad 2008-07-30 10:14:26 i Allmänt,
So since the other blog made me very confused I just try this one instead that I have been before. Seems much easier and better to handle and hopefully I wont get enoyed with it all the time :=)
Well today my cousin went home at 6 am so yeap, a bit tierd since we didnt go to bed until about 12 pm and then the alarm went off at 5 this morning. My cousin was so nervous about going on her own up to Stockholm and get the bus from there but I knew she would make it perfectly, think that everyone can do so much more then they think. Or am i wrong? Nah, don´t think so really.
So today it´s 11 days until im going to Ireland and I have so much I have to do now, go to the post office and see where im gonna leave in the boxes that are gonna be sent to ireland and off course, the cost off it! Thinking that I should back them up and see if there is anything that I can take out since I think they weigh alot and probably gonna cost me a fortune in the end. But in the same time it´s things that I wanna have with me, though in the same time I could leave a few things at my mums and then get a few bits and pieces when I go back home on holiday next summer.
Yeap, wont be going home to Sweden in the nearest year anyway since my brither is getting married in march and they are doing it in Thailand so have to save up for the trip over for that. Hopefully I get someone with me from Irelan on that trip since it´s a few hours to fly so to say and imagine being alone on flights for 23 hours!!!!! Not the funniest maybe :=9 But hey, it´s a long time until then so just have to wait and see so to say.
Put up a few pictures from the last week on my holiday when my brother and his family has been here and a bit of this and that.
Anyone who has ideas of jobs in Ireland, been on the computer this whole morning looking for jobs and applying so just have to wait and pray for some answers...... But tips are always welcome :=)
Take care everyone and enjoy the sun and the heat!
Publicerad 2008-07-30 09:56:40 i Allmänt,
Då blöir denna blogg mestadels på engelska då jag fått klagomål på den andra bloggen eftersom mina Irländksa vänner ej kan förstå den ha ha ha ha
Följ mitt liv innan flytten till Irland som bär av den 11 augusti och när jag sen har flyttat så kommer jag hålla alla som är intresserade uppdaterade på vad som händer och sker i mitt liv på den gröna ön! 11 dagar kvar!!!