
En tjej med mycket tankar, funderingar, tycken och kärlek. Tycker livet är för kort för att älta gammalt utan vill hellre se framåt och njuta av livet, kärleken, familjen och vänner!

Hello out there!

Publicerad 2008-07-30 10:14:26 i Allmänt,

So since the other blog made me very confused I just try this one instead that I have been before. Seems much easier and better to handle and hopefully I wont get enoyed with it all the time :=)

Well today my cousin went home at 6 am so yeap, a bit tierd since we didnt go to bed until about 12 pm and then the alarm went off at 5 this morning. My cousin was so nervous about going on her own up to Stockholm and get the bus from there but I knew she would make it perfectly, think that everyone can do so much more then they think. Or am i wrong? Nah, don´t think so really.

So today it´s 11 days until im going to Ireland and I have so much I have to do now, go to the post office and see where im gonna leave in the boxes that are gonna be sent to ireland and off course, the cost off it! Thinking that I should back them up and see if there is anything that I can take out since I think they weigh alot and probably gonna cost me a fortune in the end. But in the same time it´s things that I wanna have with me, though in the same time I could leave a few things at my mums and then get a few bits and pieces when I go back home on holiday next summer.

Yeap, wont be going home to Sweden in the nearest year anyway since my brither is getting married in march and they are doing it in Thailand so have to save up for the trip over for that. Hopefully I get someone with me from Irelan on that trip since it´s a few hours to fly so to say and imagine being alone on flights for 23 hours!!!!! Not the funniest maybe  :=9 But hey, it´s a long time until then so just have to wait and see so to say.

Put up a few pictures from the last week on my holiday when my brother and his family has been here and a bit of this and that.

Anyone who has ideas of jobs in Ireland, been on the computer this whole morning looking for jobs and applying so just have to wait and pray for some answers...... But tips are always welcome :=)
Take care everyone and enjoy the sun and the heat!


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The future is in the hands of the destiny.... Or is it?

Just a girl that wants so much and are searching for it every day that goes.



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