
En tjej med mycket tankar, funderingar, tycken och kärlek. Tycker livet är för kort för att älta gammalt utan vill hellre se framåt och njuta av livet, kärleken, familjen och vänner!

Rainy thursday!

Publicerad 2009-06-18 16:15:24 i Allmänt,

Right, writing in english again for my irish friends :=)
Today it´s a rainy, windy and cold day so whats not better then to stay inside all day! Although I had a long walk this morning for bout 40 minutes so I did do something good anyway, been talking to a friend who´s over in canada aswell on the computer and filled each other in on whats been happening since he left.
Was out last night with Janet, ash and shinead. Great laugh I must say, we went out coz shinead finished her exams and passed them all so we are very proud of her. But think I got more drunk then she did in the end ha ha ha We had a good few in the house before we went out to save some money and not drink to much out.
Bumped in to 2 friends I haven´t seen in ages, one guy I havent seen in about 6 years so that was absolutely great to see him again, though he hadn´t changed much I must say!! The other guy is my old landlord here in naas and havent been out drinking with him since september or something like that so it was about time I bumped in to him. We had a great laugh, ash and I was dancing, Pat came aswell to the court (where we were) and then met people all night. Oh yeah, suz was there aswell for a while. So it was a really good nite I must say. But as always I´m paying for it today...... tummy is in bits and really wrecked!! So now it´s no more drinking until next week anyway. Working the weekend and on sunday maria is coming. So it´ll be a laugh then again.

Looking forward for a weekend with no drink, my body isn´t able for it anymore. I know..... I said it loads of times........ But i´m really not able for it!!!

The "summer" is here aswell, starting to go to the gym when maria has gone home aswell, it´s a new gym opened nearby the pub where I work so gonna try that place, cheaper then other places and you can use the pool aswell. janet said she wanna go aswell in the mornings and ash said sh wants to aswell so Im gonna go with janets sum mornings and with ash some days that we work together. So now I have people that wanna go with me so it´s easier to drag myself to it and aswell for a good price.

Gonna go and grab a drink now and sink back down in the couch ;) Have a lovely midsommar at home in sweden folks, really wish I was there for it to have the lovely food! Heard it´s the typicall midsommar weather aswell, cold and rainy ha ha ha It never goes wrong does it?!

Take care!


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