
En tjej med mycket tankar, funderingar, tycken och kärlek. Tycker livet är för kort för att älta gammalt utan vill hellre se framåt och njuta av livet, kärleken, familjen och vänner!

Off today!

Publicerad 2009-06-15 14:23:47 i Allmänt,

Today it's all gonna be in english coz I'm still on Janets computer.... Haven't got the chance to top up my internet account so really gonna have to do that!

Monday today and Im off and off course the weather isn't the best. ok, it's a small bit off sunshine but the rain comes and goes all the time. Tonight I'm going to Jigginstown house to spend some time with suz and James, long time since I was there and always goes so long between seeing James so it's about time I go over there I think.

The concert was absolutely brilliant on saturday night!!! I was saying to Janet when we where standing there, in the sunshine, with a great band playing and I was in brilliant form, that that was the best night ever in my life here in Ireland! I was so happy, all worries was not excisting...... Haven't been that happy in a long time I must say. It's amazing what good weather, great atmosphere and few bottles of beer can do for you! ha ha ha yeah off course we had few drinks. We got a lift up with Janets mum Doreen and what usually takes bout 40 minutes drive up it now took us about 1 hour and 20 minutes coz the traffic was absolutely horrible, Janet was saying it was worse then a match day in Croke Park. So in the car we had a lot of time to drink few bottles, nice hi hi hi and when we got to Croke Park we got another 2 bottles so it was nice. Then you weren't allowed to drink in where the band was playing so in the end of the gig I was a bit hangover ha ha ha. Got a taxi back to Naas with Sarah and Krystle, went then to graces to meet Paul and the others coz it was Pauls birthday but hmmmm I didn't find them..... think they were in haydens :( So I went home at round 1 am, absolutely wrecked efter working late the friday night, then up working saturday all day and then the concert. So I was in bed by 2 am, thankfully coz I was up for work on the sunday again and I was grant. Tierd off course but no hangover :)

I will uppload some photos and videos from the cocert as soon as I got my computer. Got loads off great photos. Though realised that my camera now has a few years on it and starting to realisingthat I really need a new. But hey, it's still working so thats good, just the zoom isn't the best, more pixels I think I need ha ha ha

Hope you all in sweden are well, mum, take it easy now. Jag ar otroligt glad over att du och Per kommer over nar jag fyller ar. Hoppas verkligen nagra i slakten och de andra i familjenb kan komma ocksa! Det vore helt underbart maste jag saga. Janet sa att om ni ville kan ni fa hennes nummer om ni vill prata med henne om stallen att bo pa. Hur manga dagar har ni planerat att komma? Hos oss kan ni i vilket fall bo 2-3 pers sen vet hon andra billiga stallen man kan hyra sa hon. Per kan ju bra engelska sa om han vill prata med henne sa kan hon hjalpa till sa hon i vilket fall. Naval, meddela om ni behover hjalp med nagot!

Kram/hugs to you all!!!!


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