
En tjej med mycket tankar, funderingar, tycken och kärlek. Tycker livet är för kort för att älta gammalt utan vill hellre se framåt och njuta av livet, kärleken, familjen och vänner!

Extremely bored!!!!

Publicerad 2009-07-11 18:10:36 i Allmänt,

Ran, rain and more rain. Sore shoulders, arms and off course still hurting foot...... No more painkillers for me today cause i´m starting to feel a bit blurry ha ha ha
Starting to get extremely bored now...... thankfully a friend is coming over shortly for a little while. Keep me company for an hour or two I think. Starting to think if I should get some one to drop up a bottle of wine to me later, need sum fun here on my couch.... sick of sitting here like a spa......
Talekd to my mum and dad today, was very nice and also to my aunt. Cant wait to go home now in august. Dad has rented a cottage for a wknd when i´m there so we can meet up since he lives 5 hours drive from my mum where i´m gonna stay. asked a friend of mine aswell if she knew anyone that has a car I can borrow when i´m there so fingers krossed. Then I can go as I want when I want.

Visiter here so have to go, prob write more later, take care!


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The future is in the hands of the destiny.... Or is it?

Just a girl that wants so much and are searching for it every day that goes.



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