
En tjej med mycket tankar, funderingar, tycken och kärlek. Tycker livet är för kort för att älta gammalt utan vill hellre se framåt och njuta av livet, kärleken, familjen och vänner!

English today!

Publicerad 2009-08-22 13:01:35 i Allmänt,

So it's gonna be on english today, my computer needs to be topped up so missing a few letters in the swedish alfabeth on this one so ends up being easier writing on english then :)

Off this weekend.... actually off for 3 days so thats lovely I have to say. Was a good nite last nite in the pub, suffering from horrible heartburn though but got through it just about. You know when it's that sore that you actually feeel like you are about to get sick.... thats how bad it was! Thankfully I culd sit down for 10 minutes so that helped a bit..... Wonder if this is gonna be a regular thing now??? Really don't hope so!

Tonight it's gonna be a dvd nite in Karens house, it's gonna be really nice. I'm off the drink now for a while so no drink for me at all, mite spoil myself with a bottle of coka cola instead :)
Janet and them came home last nite, really nice to see her again and this aternoon i'll see callum aswell so cant wait for that. Catch up a bit since we haven't seen each otheer for 3 weeks. Weird when you actually live with them and are use to see them everyday and then not seeing them for soo long...... So we have sum catching up to do so to say. And off course I'm gonna cook them som pasta, swedish bearnaiesas and swedish meatballs. That i promised them ha ha ha ha

Probably gonna go and see Paul on monday aswell, we need to have some more talks and all that, can be interesting......... So i'll keep ypu's updated on that one aswell.

Today the sun is shining, a few clouds on the sky but not bad at all, so looks like it's gonna be a nice day!

Hope you all are well and taking care off each other! xxx


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The future is in the hands of the destiny.... Or is it?

Just a girl that wants so much and are searching for it every day that goes.



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